Our Approach
Lightship clinical trials expand access for everyone.
We guide the way, from concept through the end of the study. In designing and conducting clinical trials with sponsors and partners, we keep people at the heart of our approach.
We design and conduct clinical trials to provide hope for all.
Lightship is there with you every step of the way, starting with protocol design through the end of the study. We offer access and choice to improve equity in clinical research. Through more inclusive clinical trials, we can accelerate the development of better therapy options for everyone.

We prioritize patient education, engagement, and empowerment to ensure clinical research is accessible to everyone.
Lightship is a proud partner of Clinical Trials For All — a noncommercial, educational initiative informing the public about clinical research with the goal to increase awareness and participation.

for All
We design our clinical trials to make taking part in a study easier and more convenient while achieving study goals. Our inclusive outreach to all people offers access to everyone with at home, near home, and in-clinic visits.

Lightship meets people where they are. We engage people before, during, and after study participation to prioritize safety, comfort, and convenience for clinical research that is built to serve patients, their loved ones, and caregivers at every step along the way.

Our research experienced and people-first research nurses are hired and trained by Lightship to ensure the best patient experience that is technology enabled and provides quality study conduct.

Lightship supports study activities from protocol design to study start-up through close-out; with our experienced team, we make everything as simple as possible for our patients, investigators, study personnel, sponsors, and partners.
Are you a patient in a clinical trial or thinking about becoming one?
We currently have four available clinical trials and several patient communities. Please take a look. We’d love to hear from you.